Soccer Saturday with Jeff Stelling & Craig Hignett


Soccer Saturday in association with Beaumont Accountancy,

Special guests include Jeff Stelling and compare for the evening former professional footballer and ex Middlesbrough and Blackburn star and Middlesbrough 1st Team coach Craig Hignett

They will talk you through their glittering careers from where it all started from the early days to hosting the worlds biggest football show Gillette Soccer Saturday.

The night will give you an insight to a behind the scenes look at what goes on in the studios with some incredible football stories from Jeff who has over 20 years of hosting and has worked with some of footballs biggest stars from George Best, David Beckham and many more.

The night will be in two half’s, starting off with a video introduction of some of their best bits from tv from playing in the premier league to hosting the soccer Saturday show. Followed by a one hour interview with Craig Higgnet.
Craig has played in two league cup finals and one Fa cup final and was also the last English man to score at Wembley stadium some fantastic stories of playing with the likes of Gazza Ravenelli Juninho plus several more.
There will be Live auction then a question and answer session with the audience.

Vip tickets £45 with professional photo
doors open 6:45 pictures 7pm
Standard tickets £29
VVIP 6-30 7-00 private meet and greet £100
Limited to 20 tickets
Picture with up graded frame
bring one item to be signed.
Booking fees apply


To buy tickets for this event please visit our events page: Soccer Saturday with Jeff Stelling & Craig Hignett tickets from Skiddle.

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